29 Sept 2014

D/s “Submit & Exercise” - Boot Camp Mistress @ The Gathering 2014

Monday 29th September 2014

A310Do you have to be forced to exercise?
Do you long to have someone strong motivate you to get the fitness results you want? The fitness results you NEED?
Are you desperately trying to squeeze yourself into latex Catsuits that are heaving at the seams?
Mistress Anna, can help change your life and the shape of your arse, with her unique no- nonsense approach designed to get genuine results!
Join Mistress Anna, "Boot Camp Mistress" for an intense hour of "slave Training & Fitness".
Slaves will be 'collared' for the duration and each receive a mat, towel and drink bottle to use during the class. Cock ties, nipple clamps, Spankings and the Whip will be used when necessary (or just because she feels like it).
Attention will be focused toward more D/s 'protocol' before, during and after the fitness class to better teach 'willing' participants the benefits of fitness, whilst in a D/s 'structured' circuit class.
For all those who need the motivation and "forced" submission to exercise for better health and well being.
A low impact, functional, effective circuit class, which integrates aerobic exercise, body weight strength, boxing, intervals and rope with an OPTIONAL sadistic edge but non negotiable protocol and exercise.
Boot Camp Mistress will push you physically based on your individual fitness levels and offers higher or lower options.
Not for scaredy cats or the faint hearted.

24 Sept 2014

Sydney Dominatrix, Mistress Anna loves her kinky pet "Latex Cat".

Wednesday 24th September 2014
Thank you Len Metcalf for organizing the shoot with all the Kinky Latex & Leather Pets!

15 Sept 2014

Italian magazine, 'SMODA' mentions Mistress Anna's Fetish Boot Camp

‘Sexercise’: calentamiento deportivo

La última disciplina en boga del mercado del fitness utiliza el sexo como motivación. La promesa de un cuerpo en forma, listo para triunfar en la cama, vende.

El nuevo vídeo de Kylie Minogue, Sexercise, lleva esta disciplina al escenario.
Foto: Cordon Press
Fetichismo deportivo. Por si la promesa de convertirse en un dios del sexo no convence, la australiana Anna Anderson –conocida como Meretriz Anna, la entrenadora dominatriz– aconseja mano firme. Literalmente. Su sugerencia: llevar la cultura sado al gimnasio. «Los planes inspirados en el entrenamiento militar [como el crossfit, que tanto éxito tiene hoy] poseen un componente sadista. No creo que mi propuesta sea una progresión tan drástica», comenta. Y aunque ofrece modalidades ligeras, como Kinky yoga, el entrenamiento de su Forced Fitness Fetish Boot Camp es el que más éxito tiene. En él se utilizan látigos y trajes de látex. «La satisfacción deriva de los resultados. Todos mis clientes han perdido peso, mejorado su forma física y ganado flexibilidad».
Y hablando de fetichismo, también el corsé gana posiciones como herramienta deportiva. Jessica Alba y Kim Kardashian, quien hace unos días subió una foto a Instagram luciendo uno de la marca Whats a waist, lo utilizan. «Maximiza los efectos al elevar la temperatura corporal y forzar la sudoración, facilitando así la eliminación de grasa y toxinas», nos explican desde la firma Ann Chery, que se ha hecho de oro con su modelo Workout band. Además, obliga a mantener la espalda recta, implicando la zona abdominal en cada movimiento.
Y aún hay más: una pulsera que usa descargas eléctricas como estimulante para recordar que hay que aumentar la intensidad del ejercicio. Lo ha diseñado la firma Pavlok y, aunque no llegará a las tiendas hasta 2015, ya se puede reservar en su web.

14 Sept 2014

Mistress Anna presents - CBT at The GATHERING 2014

THE GATHERING 2014 will see me presenting:
"Breaking Balls - The Chemistry of CBT" - How much FUN will it be!!
Electric dog collar, The Humbler, Sounds and much more...heehee
This introduction to CBT (or Cock and Ball Torture) is a workshop to get people creative, stimulated and excited with health and safety at the forefront.
We will cover basic care, safety, cock ties, needles, pegs, the Humbler, spanking, whipping, ball busting and more! This is a hands-on workshop so you will have an opportunity to practice on your partner. There will be some of my own toys to peruse and I am able to supply some laces, candles and pegs but by all means please bring your own along.
Great communication and negotiation is the key then it is left up to the Dominant to create a fantastic experience and the submissive to trust, feel secure and safe then release all inhibitions and allow the fantasy to unravel. Brace yourself and dive in!
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2 Sept 2014

Mistress Anna's interview with CLEO magazine

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
Me and my slaves held a Forced Fitness Boot Camp and then were interviewed by CLEO magazine. We had so much fun as usual and worked up a sweat to match it.
Watch here for which edition we will be in!

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